Codes of the Cowgirl

The Codes of the Cowgirl is a leadership workshop that explores getting in touch with your inner cowgirl, that strong sense of self that empowers you to live more boldly, courageously and authentically in the world. Based on the eight principles of cowgirl spirit, linked to the book, this workshop inspires girls to “Saddle Her Own Horse,” whether she rides one or not. Barbara has taken this leadership program to museums, girls in schools, summer camps, and organizations such as Girl Scouts of America.
The The Codes of the Cowgirl is a powerful message of female empowerment, using the principles of cowgirl spirit to inspire leadership. It was incredible to hear the positive feedback from both the girls and their parents regarding this interactive workshop experience. Girl Scouts looks forward to partnering with Barbara in the future to create exciting new opportunities for our members.
Jennifer Gonzales, Program Specialist, Girl Scouts of Central and Western MA

Barbara produced, wrote, directed, and performed in Cowgirl’s Call: Writing and Riding, a multi-media Western experience with Amy M Hale, working cowboy, author and poet. It shared the raw depth and breadth of ranch life through storytelling, readings and poetry, interwoven with film, photography and music, and a taste of what Saddling Your Own Horse can mean to women from all walks of life. Unicorn Theatre, Stockbridge, MA
Barbara was also tapped to curate the Women of the West section of the NAT/GEO American West exhibit at The Berkshire Museum. During the exhibit’s run, she gave a talk, “Saddle Your Own Horse,” at the museum theatre.